May 15Liked by Anne Marie Bell

Dear Anne Marie, don’t worry about your heart surgery, someone with a heart as big as yours will better in no time. A friend of mine has just had a similar sounding operation and is doing well. I absolutely loved your story, and I cannot wait to read more. Beautiful emotional honest writing. Big hugs to you ❤️ Francesca xx

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Thank you for the kind words AND the encouragement! The docs tell me its routine surgery for them... its only a big deal for the patient. Makes sense!

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May 15Liked by Anne Marie Bell

Anne Marie, I'm so sorry you are facing heart surgery, but so glad to have found you via Victoria's note! You are just the person I need in my life because I am facing moving two homes (hopefully) in another year or so - our and my parents. I've subscribed and look forward to your stories and wisdom for many years to come!

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Thank you! And if you ever want some free downsizing/moving advice, please DM me. I love to share all my insider tips. :)

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Anne Marie - there are so many pieces I would love to unpack from this lovely debut article (pun intended). Happy to have found your publication, after you offered a lovely comment on my article today (May 15).

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Victoria- thank you so much for your support! It means so much. My goal is to unpack all sorts of things over the coming articles!

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When you post-publish feel free to tag me when you share it in a note. Looking forward to reading your next article.

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May 14Liked by Anne Marie Bell

A heartwarming Substack debut

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Jeff- thank you! It means so much to me.

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May 13Liked by Anne Marie Bell

This is amazing, Anne Marie! I’m glad you are taking time for you and getting your heart healthy so you can enjoy many MORE years of the lake life and retirement with your family! You’ve done so much for people, and now it’s time for you!

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Thank you MaryBeth! I so appreciate your support!

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God absolutely put you on this planet to help people! You are truly gifted! Thank you for sharing more of your story!

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Ok… finished reading, Anne Marie, God truly put you hear for a reason and perhaps the next chapter that awaits you will bring the greatest unexpected blessings. Have faith that God is always by your side and will guide you along.

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Great stuff! You will do great with your surgery. Your energy will be back in no time! Love your writing.

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